Kidnapping for ransom is prevalent across the world, however, in today's United States it is essentially obsolete. Today’s episode covers three historic US kidnappings that helped to fuel the American parent’s fear for the wellbeing of their child. While the cases are unique in their own way, each child’s parents agonized over whether or not they would see their child again, and not all of them did. Listen in while we discuss the cases of Charles Lindbergh Jr.,Marion Parker, and George Weyerhaeuser.
Auto information for "Mr Cooper" photo courtesy of Los Angeles News, Marion (Marian) Ransom notes, photos courtesy of
Photos of Marion (Marian) Parker during Autopsy, photos courtesy of Reddit.
William Dainard (, Harmon Waley (, Margaret Waley (
Special thanks to Bryan Johnston for joining us to talk about his book Deep in the Woods.
Constellis - Global Overview | Safeatlast - 40+ Horrific & Chilling Kidnapping Statistics | FAQ - AMBER Alert | Wikipedia - Lindburgh Kidnapping | Britannica - Federal Kidnapping Act | The Evening News - Various Articles Marion Parker 12.23.1927 | The Malefactor’s Registry - The Murder of Marion Parker | KCET - Bedlam at Bellevue Arms | Medium - Horrifying Murder of Marion Parker | Murderpedia - William Hickman | Cemetery Guide - Marion Parker | Bryan Johnston - Deep in the Woods | Great Falls Tribune - Convicted Kidnapper Petitions for Release 03.06.1943 |