When a body is discovered on a remote road in Hope, Alaska, names on the documents found in the dead man’s pockets lead investigators to the deceased’s girlfriend. Or was she his fiance? Or was she just a cover for his sexuality? The trail of circumstantial evidence took officers down a wild path of exotic dancers, multiple finances, and living arrangements that seemed odd to even the most open-minded. Today, on Murder in the Rain, listen to the story of the murder of Kent Leppink and his relationship with Mechele Hughes.

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Snapped - S7 E4 Mechele Linehan | NBC News - The stripper and the steelworker | 48 Hours - 09.13.08 Love and Death in Alaska | Fatal Beauty - 15 most notorious women | ID People Magazine Investigates - S2E11 Alaskan Temptress | The Seattle Times - Woman charged in old murder was living as mother, housewife in Olympia | The Daily news - Leppinks Recognized as Michigan Grocers Outstanding Retailer | Web Archive - Linehan Out on Bail | Blogspot Free Mechele - Free Mechele: Reply to post from "anonymous" | The Philadelphia Inquirer - 10.13.06 The Exotic Dancer, The Steel Worker, and the Body | ADN - Troopers say they mishandled case of killing in prison